The clear-cut contrast between male and female characters reflects in-depth consideration of gender roles and relationships. This mini-essay aims to compare how women's roles are portrayed in the play with how women's roles are today. In Trifles, women's roles are marginalized and oppressed, while today women's positions have significantly improved.
The play portrayed women's marginalized and oppressed social status by depicting the oppressed family life of Mrs. Minnie Wright. The drama tells a detective story of the murder of John Wright, a tyrannical Midwestern farmer who was founded dead in his own house, with his wife Minnie Wright on suspicion of murder. The reality of the Wrights' life was uncovered by the investigation.
Search engine optimization. Our website currently receives fewer than 1,300 unique
visitors per month. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a relatively inexpensive way to increase
traffic and make more people aware of Trojan’s website. The marketing team does not currently
have a staff member with SEO experience, so we plan to hire an outside consultant. However,
the consultant works on a pay-per-performance basis. If his SEO strategy does not increase
Trojan’s revenue by at least 20% within one year, we do not have to pay for the SEO services. If
the SEO strategy is successful, we owe the consultant a 15% commission on any new business
Social media. One of our marketing staff members will devote 10% of her time to
managing the company’s Facebook account. Very few people in the 55+ age group use Twitter,
Instagram, and Pinterest compared to the number of older adults who use Facebook. Therefore, it
makes sense to focus our efforts on Facebook marketing instead of trying to manage four
platforms. The social media manager will post new content at least twice per day. In addition to
posting about open houses and other special events, she will share links to articles of interest to
seniors, post photographs of the facility, and answer questions from Facebook users.
Despite the level of development of humans in both ancient and modern times, they should be regarded as product of the natural evolution, instead of the master of nature. To maintain the advantage that humans have over the natural environment, they must comply to the natural laws. The ambitions to conquer nature will only destroy the natural environment and pose danger to humans at the end. As a product of adaptation to nature, civilization will also perish with damaged natural environment. Therefore, sustainable development is important for the continuation of civilization. Nowadays, humans are still largely dependent on the natural resources that are not renewable, making efforts in reducing and recycling necessary for sustainable development. The ability of alternation of the environment should be applied more on the artificial environment, such as the cities. A significant increase in living quality will be obtained through added greenery and facilities for the convenience of the elderly. Finally, the construction of healthy mental environment is just as important as physical environment, especially for children. Family, community, school, teachers and peers are all crucial elements for the environment and should be better managed as they can determine the future lives of the children. In conclusion, natural, living and family environments are more deeply rooted in the lives of all humans than commonly perceived, and should be given much more attention for the continuing development of human civilization.