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1. Francesco Giavazzi and Alberto Giovannini, 1989, Limiting exchange rate flexibility: The European monetary system, the MIT press.
2. Mark Saunders,Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, 2003, Research methods for business students, third edition, Prentice Hall.
3. Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler, 2008, Business research methods, tenth edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
4. Paul Krugman and Marcus Miller. 1992. Exchange rate targets and currency bands.
5. Oded shenkar, 2005, the Chinese century: the rising Chinese economy and its impact on the global economy,
6. Dominick Salvatore, 2007, International economic, ninth edition, published by John Wiley & sons.
7. Giorgio Radaelli. 1995. Exchange Rate Determination and Control.
8. Xu Ning. 2004. Monetary Union in Asia.
9. Philip coggan, 1995, the money machine how the city works, third eidion, Penguin Group, England.
10. Mark saunders, Philip Lwwis and Adrian Thornhill, 2009, Research methods for business students, fifth edition, Pearson education.
11. Kevin P. Lane, 2006, marketing to China's hinterland. The McKinsey Quarterly, Special Edition.
12. Anthony Santomero and Davd Babbel, 2001, financial markets, instruments & institutions, second sdition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
13. Francesca Taylor. 2003. Mastering foreign exchange & currency options.2nded.
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