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许多研究人员曾提到,定性数据的分析是极其困难的,因为涉及到影响研究关键结果的各种因素。在分析案例研究时,与数据点或案例相比,有一些不可避免的变数,因此,不能应用传统的统计分析。因此,需要使用不同的技术来组织和系统地审查大量的信息(Ellis 2012)。在本研究中对案例研究进行分析时,将在案例研究中识别特定模式的变量,调查变量,单独的和相互之间的关系。在此背景下,为了分析本研究中的案例研究和定性数据,将采用以案例为导向的分析方法。
这包括检查案件中各变量之间的相互关系,同时将它们相互联系和比较,以便确定某些模式和相似性。为了使本研究在数据分析方面取得成功,本文将水平逻辑作为案例分析的基础。尽管整个房地产市场的审查有所加强,但建筑活动在中国国内生产总值(gdp)中占据了很大的份额(Ernst 2011)。该行业由中国国有企业主导,它们为建筑活动提供了大量供应。西方组织经常被发现处于质量和技术的最顶端,其中存在着许多有趣的利基,并由技术的引入所支持(Frey 2014)。
在劳动力成本上升、环境问题日益受到关注以及中产阶级不断壮大的情况下,创新服务和产品已经具备了应对经济背景变化所带来的挑战和问题的能力,这在中国已经开始取得了显著的发展势头。这有助于为欧盟的中小企业创造机会,将知识和技术引入中国的建筑市场。当前,中国经济正面临着结构的变化(He 2012)。根据“新常态”理论,质量和可持续性被确定为基础。这有助于重申,可以以公平的经济结构作为慢速增长的先决条件。由于中国新的政策视角和对城市可持续发展的重视,中国建筑业开始面临低迷。
It had been mentioned by a number of researchers that analysis of qualitative data is extremely difficult with the involvement of various factors affecting the key findings of the research.When case studies are analysed,there are a number of inevitable variables in comparison with data points or cases,and hence,there can be no application of traditional statistical analyses.Therefore,there is a significant need of using different techniques for organizing and systematically reviewing information in large amounts(Ellis 2012).When conducting an analysis of the cases study in this research,there will be an identification of specifically patterned variables in the case study,investigating the variables,individually and in relationship with one another.In this context,for analysing the case study and qualitative data in this research,the approach of case-oriented analysis will be performed.
This involves examination of interrelationship between variables in the case,while relating and comparing them with one another,for the identification of certain patterns and similarities.For being successful in the analysis of data by this research,horizontal logic had been treated as the base for analysis of case study.Irrespective of the increased scrutiny across the market of real estate,the activity of construction has been covering a large share in the Gross Domestic Product of china(Ernst 2011).There is a domination of the sector by State Owned Enterprises of China,which supply the activity of construction in bulk.Western organizations have been found more often at the top most spectrum of quality and technology,where there is an existence of a number of interesting niches supported by the introduction of technologies(Frey 2014).
In accountability of the rising costs of labour,an increased concern on issues of environment,and a burgeoning middle class,innovative services and products have gained the ability of responding to the challenges and issues faced by a changing economic background have started to gain significant momentum within China.This has helped in creation of opportunities for SMEs of EU that may help in bringing know-how and technology within the construction market of China.Currently,the economy of China is dealing with the change of structure(He 2012).Quality and sustainability have been identified as the cornerstones as per the“new normal”theory.This helps in reaffirming that growth in slow speed can be pre-conditioned with the equitable structure of economy.The construction sector of china has started to face a downturn,as a result of new policy perspective in China and enhanced focus on urban development with sustainability.