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Lenovo Logistics System
As Carly Fiorina (the Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard) said in her memoir, the most two important and main things in this modern century were Globalization and Informationization, and what she did for HP in her six years tenure were to propel HP into the internet age and the global market.
Lenovo followed the same notion. They re-structured their Logistic Management System by internet network based MICS (Management Information & Communication System) from 2000 until now, and taken-over the IBM’s PC Business to enter the global market in 2004. These two business behaviours related to two organization tasks Strategic Changing Management and Strategic Re-engineering.
2.3.3 MIS and Business Value — the Benefits of MIS
2.3.4 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
2.3.5 Country Culture
2.3.6 PEST
2.3.8 Mackenzie’s 7S Model
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 – Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The General Perspective
3.3 The Type and Subtype of Research
3.4 Research Approach
3.5 The Research Context
3.6 The Research Participants and Resource
3.7 Instruments Used in Data Collection
3.8 Procedures Used
3.9 Data Analysis
3.10 Summary of the Methodology
Chapter 4. Presentation of Case Study Organization – Lenovo & IBM
4.1 Lenovo
4.2 IBM
4.3 Acquisition
4.5 Changes by Merger
4.4 BPR Based on MICS System
Chapter 5. Case Study Findings
5.1 Challenge in Merger
5.2 Analysis the Changing Environment and Lenovo’s Changing Management by PEST
5.2.1 The Main Problems of The Acquisition The Problems of Policy The Problems of Economic Benefits The Problems of Technology The Problems of Society The main competitors of the Lenovo Group
5.2.2 Lenovo Group’s Strategic Solutions How Solve the Problems of Policy? How Solve the Problems of Economic Benefits? How Solve the Problem of Technology? How Solve the Problem of Society? Lenovo Group’s strategy of competition
5.2.3 Conclusion of PEST Changing Analysis