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Step 1: 承认你论文的主题(topic)
“What are the arguments for or against writing a 5-paragraph essay? Should teachers continue requesting this writing method from students?”
Step 2: 承认你的态度
我还要借用上面给出的比如,我要选取的观念是“against the 5-paragraph writing。”
Step 3: 写出一个清晰的thesis statement
依然借用比如,我方才所选择的观念是“against the 5-paragraph writing。”,因此,我的thesis statement必定是“Teachers should stop teaching students to write 5-paragraph essays.”。在写thesis statement时,你的thesis需清晰且清晰。此外,“should”这个词在thesis statement中的运用会使语句更加有力度。比如在我的thesis里,“Teachers should stop teaching students to write 5-paragraph essays”要比“5-paragraph essay are boring”或相似的语句更加能清晰我的态度也更有力。
Step 4: 给出三个观点来强化你的thesis
观点A: The 5-paragraph essay is too basic
观点B: There are myriad other ways to write essays, many of which are more thought-provoking and creative than the 5-paragraph essay.
观点C: The 5-paragraph essay does not allow for analytical thinking, rather, it confines students to following a restrictive formulStep 5: 给你的每个观点找出三个论据
观点A: The 5-paragraph essay is too basic
Support 1A: Chicago teacher Ray Salazar says, “The five-paragraph essay is rudimentary, unengaging, and useless.”
Support 2A: Elizabeth Guzik of California State University, Long Beach says, “The five paragraph essay encourages students to engage only on the surface level without attaining the level of cogency demanded by college writing.”
Support 1C: According to an article in Education Week, “There is a consensus among college writing professors that ‘students are coming [to college] prepared to do five-paragraph themes and arguments but [are] radically unprepared in thinking analytically.’”
Step 6: 扩展你的outline,首要,用一个“hook”来点亮你的“introduction”部分当你承认你的thesis和你的观点论据之后,你便可以开端扩展你的五段式outline的全体构架了。首要,从你的“introduction”部分开端、你的最开端需求用一个“hook”来点亮观者的眼睛。例如,关于我的these来说,我的hook可所以下面这样:“English teachers
across the nation have been teaching students to become ineffective writers.”
Step 7: 扩展你的结尾段
以我来举例,如果我要为我的整个五段式论文做最后的总结,也许我会这样来写:“Teachers should teach other methods of essay writing that help students stay organized and also allow them to think analytically.”
看完了以上对于留学生五段式英文论文提纲格式和写作技巧的辅导后,我们跟着以上所讲的这七个步骤来,就能够构思出五段式论文的提纲部分,我们在根据这份提纲,便能保持着思路清晰的状态开始动笔写作五段式论文了,这样下来我们便能够很轻松的写出一篇优秀的Five paragraph essay。