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Adrienne Rich defines re vision as“the act of looking back,of seeing with fresh eyes,of entering an old text from a new critical direction.”
Effective re vision requires establishing some distance between yourself and what you’ve produced.This enables you to read your work as though you’re part of the audience for whom it was written.
Checklist for reading your own essays as part of the re vision process:
1)Are there any places in the writing where the meaning is confused or unclear?
Any breaks in logic?
2)Are the ideas arranged in a logical fashion?Does the structure of the argument make sense?
3)Does the essay provide textual evidence to support the observations and opinions that are offered?
4)Is the language appropriate to the topic and the audience?Is the word choice and style of writing effective?
5)Is the essay persuasive?
Aspects of the writing you may be able to improve:
1)Strengthen content.Is there enough information?
2)Sharpen focus.Clarify the introduction,emphasizing the thesis.Eliminate irrelevant text.
3)Improve organization.Sharpen topic sentences.Rearrange blocks of text to make better sense.
4)Refine the tone.Introduce variety of sentence structure.
5)Check the mechanics of the writing:punctuation,grammar,and spelling.
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