What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is!As is vividly presented in the interesting and instructive cartoon above,……,by contrast,………What on earth does the drawer really attempt to convey?
Simple as the image is,the implications mirrored are apparently far-reaching.Initially,such a phenonmenons revealed in the picture has around wide-spread social concern.Nowhere is history has the issue beentalked about so much as in our society today.In the second place,the painting reveals an upsetting story and similar events happened and happening are heard or reported in nearly all aspects of our life.Additionally,the painter intends to convince us that a package of programs should be initiated to reverse the grim situation-launching a nationwide education campaign,setting up revelant laws and regulations,and the list goes on.
To conclude,it is high time that much importance were attached to suchcases.And it is imperative that immediate actions be taken to curb such practices.There is reason to believe that as long as all the society,the authorities and the mass media and every one invdved,make concerted effort to strive hard,such upsetting stories will ultimately be ended or at least reduced.
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