这篇了不起的盖茨比得Response Paper范文,由简介、正文、定论和引用的文献四部分组成,是典型的Response Paper。作者先对这部小说作了简单的概述,然后从个人的视点,经过他最喜欢的角色—尼克,剖析了一些小说中的情节。最终希望把这部小说推荐给16岁以上的青年,并给予了高度的评价。
I would highly recommend the novel to individuals in highschool,collages as well as those who are over the age of I6.The reasons for this reston the idea that the novel has alot of moral teachings and the
author managed to bring out his ideas using simple English that can be easily understood.For this artist work, I would rate it gout of IO.
Fitzgerald, Scott.The Great Gatsby.NewYork:Scribners, 1925.
Its is worth noting that Nick perception towards people has changed because he encounter individual who engage in adultery, hypocrisy,lying although he tried to fit with them but later sought to distance himself, this is depicted by this statement, “He[Gatsby] was clutching at some last hope and I couldn'tb are to shake him free."(Fitzgerald,I 95) .This is probably an indication of Nick being tired of and ready to give upon friends who are not morally upright in the society.
Throughout the novel the major character Nick who was the narrator managed to bring out the main themes of the novel as well as developing other characters.Additionally, the manner with which he transformed or changed fascinated me.
The fact that Nick transformed throughout the novel made me like this skilful piece of art that was logically and artistically developed.The flow of sequence of events will always keep one at the edge of theseat trying to unravel what is the next chapter.
Concerning Nick transformation he initially see nasa man who hold high level of morals such integrity, honesty, trustworthy to mention but a few.However, when he tried fitting to his new friends'lifestyle.