Examine and discuss each of the following risk management components explaining how they relate to the overall role of the ‘risk management’ function
Reviewing of activities and internal environment
The internal environment contains the manner of an organization, persuading the risks awareness of its people, and the foundation for all other people. It provide discipline and structure that the people will follow to avoid risk management. Internal environment factors include an individual’s risk management and it over sight by the board of directors its integrity, ethical values and competence of the individual. An organization’s internal environment has a significant impact on how enterprise risk management is implemented and functions on an ongoing basis.
Setting objectives
Objectives are set in every organization or business in order to evade risk management.
Establishing a basis for operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. Every Individual have a different risks from internal and external sources, and a qualification active incident, documentation of risk assessment, and risk response to establish objectives aligned with the individual risk desire which drives risk tolerance levels for the object. Also objective is the guide that one business should follow in order to have a good outcome.
Event identification
Management identifies potential event that will affect the individual and determines whether they represent opportunities that might adversely affect the individual ability to successfully implement strategy and they will achieve their objectives. Event should be positive impact so that no rick will develop in individual which will lead the management assessment and response.
Risk assessment with particular reference to the impact and likelihood of risk
Risk assessment allows a person to deliberate the level to which potential events have an impact in achieving the objectives. In risk assessment it can be qualitative or quantitative methods wherein they can used questionnaires that they can distributed to the employee and the company or business owner will be able to determine what the risk management problem in the company. They will assess it together with the top management and the board to develop a certain solution that will help them in resolving the risk management.
Risk response plans
After assessing the relevant risk, management now determines how will respond.
Responses may include risk avoidance, reduction, sharing, and acceptance. In seeing its response, management assesses the result on risk likelihood and impact, as well as costs and benefits. Management identifies any opportunities that might be available. At the completion of its risk response actions, management may have a view of individual risks and responses and their place with associated acceptance.
在开端写论文之前,我们都要通过一个信息收集阶段。除了理科生的试验数据之外,大多数的留学生的论文信息来自于两个方面:一是书本;二是通过GOOGLE查找得来的网络文章。但是我在这里要建议我们充分利用本校图书馆的资源。其实,国外大学的图书馆和我国大学图书馆的最大差异也便是学术资源。大学图书馆除了自己收藏的书籍和资料之外,还会付费subscribe许多 database。这些 database里的信息有的是学术期刊,有的是统计数据,有的则是新闻媒体的文章。
许多校园的database还允许你在家里通过校园的图书馆网上 pathway进入查阅,非常便利。并且其信息包容量几乎可以说是适当惊人。我记住我有一次甚至查到了国内和香港杂志上的文章。关于database的种 类和运用方法,各个不同校园不同专业或许都会有所不同。建议我们专门向图书管理员咨询一下有关database的运用方法。(不要不好意思,这是他们的职 责。)图书馆应该还有信息查找技术练习。UTS的信息查找练习甚至有网络版的,叫作BELL。有爱好的学弟学妹不妨去看看。
有人对我说,构思一篇文章也便是brainstorm一下的事 情。但我个人认为,'没有云就下不了雨'。一篇好的论文应当是以作者关于专门领域的solid knowledge为基础的。所以构思学术文章的第一步应该是通读悉数的手头资料,然后在脑子里构成一个大概的形象。你不只要知道一些基本知识,更重要的 是要知道哪些resource提出了什么样的学术观念,或许手头的哪些数据阐明晰哪些问题。
知道了别人的学术观念后,你可以对这些学术观念进行分类和比较。哪些 人持相同观念?哪些人持不同观念?哪些人持不同观念但是有共同的起点?哪些观念看似相同但却有些nuance?完成了这些分类和比较后,你就不可贵出自 己的观念了。你可以附和其间一个,也可以通通不附和,更可以把我们的学术观念归纳起来变成一个新的更全面的观念。
西方的教学风格和国内的不同,教师通常会鼓动学生做一些 creative thinking和 critical thinking。所以说,假设文章可以在归纳各个数据/学术观念的基础上提出自己与众不同的观念,或许可以挑战威望或传统观念的话,往往会受到教师的亲 睐。当然,观念也是要建立在证明进程的基础上的,所以光有自己的观念是不可的,严密的论说进程也是很要害的。
Thesaurus 有一点象我们中文的近义词字典。但是我个人觉得它 的function其实要超出近义词字典。因为一些好的thesaurus也会给出一些例句,或许告知你一些词汇语境上的不同(特别是正式用语和非正式用 语)。这样一来,你的词汇和表达就会变得更加丰厚和多样。而你可以在一组近义词中寻找最恰当的词汇来放到语句里的话,则必定会让你的文章表达更清晰,更具 说服力。
当然,thesaurus的运用也有些局限性。究竟它无法给出具体的 词条解说和用法。所以建议我们
在运用thesaurus的一起对照一下一般英语字典(引荐英英字典,因为英中或中英字典的翻译有时分会形成言语信息的遗 漏)。MS Word软件本身也带 thesaurus功用。我们也可以试一下。
在 批改自己文章的时分,最好想象一下假设自己是教师的话,会期望看到 些什么内容。在批改文章的时分,千万不要怕大删大改。假设确认自己在某一方面的确描述得不尽人意的话,仍是应该作一定批改。有的时分你会发觉改了三四遍后 文章现已改头换面了。不过在这个时分你最好再回过头来看看自己的abstract和conclusion是否也要做相应的调整。总的来说,在这个阶段,你 要擅于否定自己,做好做大改动的心理准备。