Before starting the Essay,I have already finished the assignment of thesis proposals for rhetorical analysis Essay.First,I decided to nail down my thesis so that I can properly arrange my paper structure and collect usable information.I finally choose the thesis“Brave New World portrays a totalitarian government that uses biotechnology control,mind control,emotion control to make people feel superficially happy for their designed social roles as a way to maintain the social stability and the power of the government,which satires the reality in Europe with the rise of communism and fascism since the 1920s that threatens individuality,truths,and human consciousness significantly.”the reason why I choose this thesis is that the control of the totalitarian government in Huxley’s Brave New World are reflected in many respects,so there are many perspectives for me to analyze.After reading the Brave New World,I found the governmental control regarding the reproduction,the human mind,and the emotion is the most striking manipulation,and the consequence of making people lose their humanity startles me,so I decide to choose this thesis.
Second,Following the thesis,I carefully organize the structure of my paper,so that it can be logically and reasonably arranged,and readers can follow my thought fluently finish this paper.Main of the first paragraph is introduce the background of the novel and the thesis.And the body includes three parts:biotechnology control,mind control,emotion control.The second paragraph illustrates how biotechnology was used in the totalitarian society to control people.The third paragraph compares the fascism in the novel to the fascism in the modern society and its devastating effects.The fourth paragraph compares the mind control in the book to the mind control in real life.And the following part introduces how emotional control,by way of drugs and sex,were used on the citizens.From every perspective,I intend to fully explain how the all-powerful state uses these measures to intervene people's life,and how it affects people's life.I think the analysis of the aspects is sufficient enough to make my point.