Now while talking about the inter link of these school of thought and the main purpose of us to do this study is that the bothe power school and the learning school are connected with this culture school. But still there is a gap of knowledge which was the primary point for the learning school is not in cultural driven school. Meanwhile the social capital and human capital dominates in it over political capital because later it comes to halt due to the cultural influence. According to Mintzberg the cultural school is closely linked with the Resource based theory in which the knowledge is the main aspect which produces te main aspect. But the views are not in accordance with the strategy.
"Strategy Formation as a Reactive Process"
As the name suggest this school of thought has been affected by the environment. According to the writer the environment and the ecological aspects make there influence in the development of companies strategy. The school of thought focuses on the niches which have been effected by the environment and companies shape their strategies to influence them..Two well known theorist Hannan & Freeman(1977) says " it is a doubtful impact that the major impacts in the organizations come from learning and adaptation." This seems to be some very different approach when talk about the cultural school.
According to Mintzberg this school is not in accordance with the strategy.: The strategies may be developed by the choices of the different alternatives. If there would not be any choices then strategies would be just forced in to action. To develop a good strategy one must have some uncertainties because the uncertainties increases knowledge and if this school is driven by just environment after effects then this school would have no knowledge in it and it would be anti management in turn.
Hence if we relate these schools then this school and Design school has some thing very common in them and that is SWOT. Like Haberburg (2000) says SWOT is not appropriate for today's companies. further he gives example of that if one do SWOT of then it would not be very helpful for him. Then he explains it as "by classification of a firm's attributes according to its strengths and weaknesses, while not keeping an eye on the other issues then we are ignoring some important information. About the areas where it can be more helpful if the development was made a little further." Hence this school of thought loses many just due to ignorance and it lacks behind the other school of thought due to knowledge and similar aspects.
"Strategy Formation as a Process of Transformation"
The configurational school is a type of Meta school that is the school selection of school. It defines that according to the current position of the organization which most appropriate of these schools which must be adopted then the preceding school. Thus this is all about the configuration of the circumstances. According to Charles "I imagine of nothing, in science, religion or philosophy which tells me that which one is more then proper to have in a while. While talking about the practicality of this school of thought this yields more questions then answers. This is due to the fact that when the school does becomes appropriate and when does the organization is in the transition stage.