ably large number for such a small country. Unique conditions make the country an international crossroad for migrating birds(Arie et al, 2008). It is one of the largest migration flyways in the world with some 500 million birds crossing Israel’s skies twice yearly on their way to Africa in the autumn and to Europe and Asia in the spring(Raymond, 2004). This meeting place also provides a stopover and wintering ground. Israel’s birdwatching centers promote projects that boost domestic tourism as well as attract large numbers of foreign tourists. An exceptionally popular center can be found in the Hula Valley, which lies within the northern part of the Great Rift Valley and is currently being considered for nomination as a World Heritage Site (Israel accessed to the World Heritage Convention in 2000). The Hula wetland was drained nearly 50 years ago to provide agricultural land, and only a remnant was left as the Hula Nature Reserve, a recognized Ramsar site. Ever since the area was intentionally flooded again in the 1990s, it has become a major tourist spot, attracting some 250,000 visitors each year who come to see the thousands of birds including cranes, storks, pelicans, cormorants, herons and almost 300 additional species(John et al, 2000). To date, most of the tourism is local, however, more foreign tourism is expected in the coming years.
The International Center for the Study of Bird Migration was founded through the joint initiative of Tel Aviv University and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) and is supported by the Ministry of the Environment.
2)Engagement of private sector – rural tourism
In recent years, rural tourism has expanded significantly in the northern Galilee region and is reflected in the growing number of tourist accommodations that reach nearly 3000 rooms to date. Annual room occupancy is between 80-120 days, which represents a 25% annual increase since 1994. Approximately 10 years ago, the Ministry of Tourism began investing in the renewal of the tourism infrastructure in villages of the Galilee, together with the local population(Aliza et al, 1998). The main concept was to upgrade infrastructure, such as roads, parking areas, road signs, landscaping, electricity supply, sewage and water systems for the benefit of both tourists and the local population. In addition, direct financial assistance was offered to local enterprises to promote the establishment of bed and breakfast accommodations.
“The Tourist Villages of Upper Galilee” project included improving services in twelve “tourist villages” during the past five years, with funding from the Ministry of Tourism as well as additional government ministries, organizations and local authorities. Each of the villages in the project contains 10-30 rooms, operated by local residents adjacent to their homes. The project was carried out together with the local community, which was a major contribution to its success. Results show that real estate value rose significantly, the number of tourist accommodation units increased by 83%, room capacity increased by 120% and the number of beds increased by 140%(Aliza et al, 2003). The income generated from the project contributed to strengthening the economy of the villages.a