The aim of the project is to investigate Human Resource Management Practices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in China. Based on this research aim, there are four main research objectives in this research.
1) Review the relevant literature about human resource management practices in SMEs;
2) Investigate the status quo of human resource management in China’s SMEs;
3) Find out problems involved with the implementation and development of human resource management in China’s SMEs;
4) Present suggestions that can be recommended for China’s SMEs to solve these problems relating to their HRM practices.
1.4 Methodological Approach and Tools
In this study, the research philosophy of interpretivist is adopted because the study carries out a case study to investigate the current HRM practices of SMEs in China and it is concerned with understanding behaviour from the participants’ own subjective ideas and opinions. According to Collis and Hussey (2003), interpretivist is based on the perspective that human behaviour is not as easily measured as phenomena in the natural sciences, while positivist is founded on a belief that the study of human behaviour should be conducted in the same way s studies conducted in the natural sciences.
The inductive approach is adopted in the research, because the research will be done through investigating some key people in Intern Company and other companies to ask for their ideas and opinions. Although the inductive approach ca ne very time-consuming, it can help the research to arrive at a new way of looking at the subject (Sekeran, 2002). According to Sekeran (2002), research approach can be deductive and inductive that the deductive approach tests the definition of the subject under a clear theoretical position before collection of data while the inductive approach starts by talking to a range of people asking for their ideas and definitions of “professional”.
As to research strategy, the method of case study will be used in this research because this method offers an opportunity to study a particular subject, e.g. one organization or industry in depth. So it is helpful to analyze the HRM practices of SMEs in China and the case study results will help to analyze the key issues involved with the HRM practices such as problems and solutions of SMEs in China.
Moreover, as to tools for collecting data, data collection technique of interviews will be adopted to collect the primary data from participants in the research, because this technique is effective in collecting in-depth data according to the detailed research purposes. And on the other hand, the secondary information and data collected from public sources through the method of documentation review are also used in this research.
1.5 Structure of the Project
Besides the first chapter of introduction, other parts of the dissertation are divided into five main chapters.
The second chapter of literature review presents a critical discussion of the work of established authors who have produced major theories, concepts, ideas and framework which are linked to my research topic.The third chapter of research methodology introduces research methodologies used in the dissertation including research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, research techniques and tools, methods of data analysis, research ethics and research limitations.
The fourth chapter of results and analysis presents the findings generated from the data collected in the research, and analyzes and discusses the results of research relating to the findings of the past literature and helps to achieve research objectives of the study.
The last chapter of conclusions and recommendations reviews what the author has done in the research and summarizes the findings of the research. On the other hand, according to research limitations, this chapter also presents suggestions for further research relating to this research area.
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Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The aim of this study is to investigate the human resource management (HRM) practices of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. This chapter intends to provide the reader with a theoretical basis of the study through reviewing the concepts, theories and past studies focusing on this research area. This chapter consists of four main sections. The first section is to review the definitions and concepts relating to SMEs and theories that explain SMEs. The second section is to review concepts, theories and practices about human resource management. The third section is to review the literature focusing on human resource management practices of SMEs. And the last section is to review the past studies focusing on human resource management practices of SMEs in China.