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Background and Significance
Understanding the causes of obesity is pivotal for improving health balance and reducing obesity-related diseases. Most researchers have investigated that the combination of a redundant nutritional food intake and a sedentary lifestyle are the main reasons for the rapid acceleration of overweight and obesity in Western countries in the last quarter of the 20th century. In spite of the widespread availability of nutritional information in schools, doctors’ offices, on the Internet and on groceries, it is evident that overeating remains a substantial problem. For instance, reliance on energy-dense fast-food meals tripled between 1977 and 1995, and calorie intake quadrupled over the same period. However, dietary intake in itself is inadequate to explain the phenomenal increase in levels of obesity in many of the industrialized world in recent years [18].
Weight regulation is very complex due to series of individual-level influences. In the United States, the prevalence of obesity is higher among middle-aged and older adults than that among younger adults [19]. Besides, obesity is more common among women than men [20]. In developed countries, obesity is inversely related to income and education level [21,22].
Previous researches indicated that obesity might be significantly associated with depression [4,5]. Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders [6]. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in 2000 estimated that 9.5% of the U.S. populations suffer from a depressive illness in any given year [7]. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) estimated that, during the years 2005-2006, 11.29% of total U.S. adults had experienced serious psychological distress in past year [8]. Several researches conducted in the United States and Canada have indicated associations between obesity and depressive symptoms [9], measures of psychological distress [10], and history of depression [11]. It is reported that the relationship between depression and obesity is dependent upon different gender, age, and race/ ethnics [9]. One previous study examined the association between obesity and depression dependent on sex differences, reporting a significant positive association among women but not men [12,13,14]. Another national study which examined the association between the depressive mood and obesity based on the results of 2001 BRFSS reported a stronger relationship between obesity and depression among those younger than 65 years [9]. However, when it comes to this relationship dependent upon ethnicity differences, there are some discrepancies. One study used data from the National Co-morbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) to examine the relationship between obesity and a range of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders in the U.S. adult population. The results indicated that the Non-Hispanic whites had a higher rate of depression compared to Non-Hispanic blacks, Hispanics, and Asians [15]. Another study used data from the 2001 BRFSS observed that Hispanics are much more prone to get depressed than Whites and Blacks [9].